CMYK 33/0/26/9
CMYK 33/0/26/9
CMYK 33/0/26/9 is a slightly saturated slightly light bluish green and belongs to the CMYK color space.
Click to copy the color values depending on the different color systems.
132, 63, 76
155, 232, 171
Here you see, what variations of that color exist.
The following colors are tones and shades based on CMYK 33/0/26/9. Those values are darker and lighter versions.
The following colors are more and less saturated values of CMYK 33/0/26/9.
Here are a few useful combinations, that can help you find the colors for your next project.
The complementary color of CMYK 33/0/26/9 in different color systems.
This logic combines CMYK 33/0/26/9 with a nearby contrast color.
Those color combination completes CMYK 33/0/26/9 with colors that are 20° apart on the color wheel.
Those color combination completes CMYK 33/0/26/9 with colors that are 40° apart on the color wheel.
Take the color with you, wherever you need it.
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The CMYK color space holds more than a million colors.
Need some help for your business? Here we go!
Create your next calendar in a slightly saturated slightly light bluish green. Calidario helps you to create you calendar 200% faster!
Ask WirbelWild for your next digital or printed product in a slightly saturated slightly light bluish green layout.